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Dynasty Seafood Restaurant - Fairview

Cuisine: Chinese
The Down Low: There is no such thing as small portions and the dishes are not cheap, so bring along your entire Chinese-food loving family if you want some variety
Favorite Dish: My middle name is Sweet & Sour
Music Pairing:  Nothing like the Mulan soundtrack, but The Funk Hunters just released a mix sure to make a man out of you. Night Spell 5

Like any good Chinese restaurant, the place was buzzing when I walked in. The staff operate like a colony of ants, scurrying in-between the tables in the blink of an eye, and managing to carry 3x their body weight in food.

Sipping on some tea and watching the dining room floor is both entertaining and nerve-racking. You sit on the edge of your seat waiting for a collision, and never have I seen so many near misses with acrobatic saves.  Maybe an expansion to a mini Cirque du Soleil restaurant is coming? I'm sure it would not be hard to find some spectacular gymnasts, kung fu artists and contortionists in that crowd.

Unfortunately that evening, as quickly as I was able to sit down and get settled to observe the action, the place cleared out. The only other tables left sitting had ancient Chinese grandparents who barely had the energy to slurp down their wonton soup. Even compared to my slow pace, these elders were not much faster than their Terracotta counterparts.

I swear the place was PACKED 20 minutes earlier

They made some assumptions...

They must have known I would have exploded if they gave me a free dessert any larger

A (hot) white towel to surrender

The urinals smelled fantastic

The only thing missing was a giant fish bowl out front

With a strong Chinese community in Vancouver, there is no shortage of great food spots inside and outside of Chinatown. I would love to hear where you recommend. I think Peaceful Restaurant is next on my list.

Tasty dreams,



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